"I am from Wisconsin and I am your future": The Janus decision and what it means for you

In this episode we talk with Bob Peterson about the recent Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision. We discuss the impact of this decision on labor unions, how studying what happened to workers in Wisconsin under Governor Walker is instructive, and the emergence of a militant national teachers union movement. Bob Peterson was a 5th-grade teacher in the Milwaukee Public Schools, and former president of the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association. He is the founder of Rethinking Schools


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Advice for New Teachers: In conversation with Richard Miller

Today we speak with our good friend Richard Miller about his (recently concluded) teaching career. As this podcast is designed with teachers in mind we thought it would be wise to bring on the best teacher we know and pick his brain. In this episode we discuss what good pedagogy looks like, why it should be easy to start good schools,  Michael Jordan's retirement, and financial advice for new teachers. Enjoy!

Mr Miller

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Current Events: The Barren Terrain of Indonesian Politics

This week we talk with Professor Max Lane about Indonesian politics and economics. We discuss the 1965 "Red Slaughter" in which one million people were killed, the legacy of the Suharto regime, and the role the U.S, Europe and Australia continue to play in keeping Indonesians poor.  Max Lane is a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. In addition to numerous academic publications, he has actively supported political change in Indonesia since the mid-1970s, and has translated work by the acclaimed Indonesian novelist Pramoedya Ananta Toer. He is the author of many books including Unfinished Nation (Verso).   


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Current Events: Ethiopia and Eritrea: What comes next?

In this episode with speak with Abraham T. Zere about the historic peace agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia. We discuss the origins of the conflict, the political and economic changes that we might expect in both countries, what life is like under the dictatorship in Eritrea, and how to report on a closed regime from exile. Abraham T. Zere is a US based Eritrean writer/journalist who is the executive director of PEN Eritrea. His articles have appeared in The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, The Independent, Africa is a Country and Index on Censorship Magazine.


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Good News: Episode 1

We are trying something new here at A Correction! Once or twice a month we will be recording a podcast where we talk about all of the good things happening in the world. People around the globe are making positive change and we think it's important to recognize that! In this episode we talk about free public transportation in Estonia, plastic-free supermarket aisles, dogs and honeybees, a wild Staten Island, and the high levels of American support for more immigration.  Let us know what you think: acorrectionteam@acorrectionpodcast.com


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Current Events: Can a billionaire turn things around in South Africa?

In this episode we talk with Niall Reddy about what to expect from Cyril Ramaphosa, the new President of South Africa. We discuss how Ramaphosa went from union leader to billionaire to president, how he plans to tackle corruption, and what the abandonment of the left by the ANC has meant for the country.  Niall Reddy is a PhD candidate at NYU and a frequent contributor to Africa is a Country


Current Events: What lessons can be learned from Ocasio-Cortez's victory?

We talk with Professor Susan Kang about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's huge primary win over Congressman Joe Crowley. We ask: How did this happen? Why now? What does this mean for other left-wing candidates around the country? Susan Kang is an associate professor of political science at John Jay College, City University of New York. She is the author of Human Rights and Labor Solidarity: Trade Unions in the Global Economy. Professor Kang a member of the NY citywide leadership committee of the Democratic Socialists of America.


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The Euro Crisis: Slovenia is the future

Lev and Gal Kirn discuss all of the things you ever wanted to know about Slovenia but were afraid to ask. They talk about the recent election, Yugoslav partisans in WWII, historical revisionism in the Balkans, and the powerful myth of Slovenia as Switzerland East. Professor Kirn is a political theorist and researcher at TU Dresden. He is the author of several books, including Partisan Ruptures and Contradictions of Market Socialism in Yugoslavia. In his home-town Ljubljana, he is engaged in the Workers-Punks’ University. 


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The Euro Crisis: Greece and the euro: When you can't leave and shouldn't stay

We talk to Alexandros Alexandropoulos about the economic and political situation in Greece today. Our discussion covers the origins of the Greek economic depression, life under austerity, and why it was impossible for Syriza to Grexit. Alexandros Alexandropoulos has taught politics and political philosophy at SciencesPo Paris, LSE, and Kings College London. 


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The Euro Crisis: What does a populist Italy mean for the EU?

In this episode Lev talks with historian David Broder about Italy and the future of the European Union. They discuss origins of the Five Star party, the legacy of Berlusconi, and the rise of the hard-right in Italy.  David Broder is a historian at the London School of Economics and a contributing editor at Jacobin. 


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